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LTC3553 USB power manager

LTC3553 designed by Linear Technology is an USB power manager with integrated Li-Ion Polymer single cell charger and buck regulator . LTC3553 is specially designed for USB applications .
LTC3553 USB power manager automatically limits input current to a maximum of either 100mA or 500mA.
The LTC3553 USB power manager also includes a synchronous buck regulator, a low dropout linear regulator (LDO) and a pushbutton controller.

Main features of the LTC3553 micropower USB manager are :  12μA Standby Mode Quiescent Current (All Outputs On) ,  Seamless Transition Between Input Power Sources: Li-Ion/Polymer Battery and USB , 240mΩ Internal Ideal Diode Provides Low Loss , High Effi ciency 200mA Buck Regulator , 150mA Low Dropout (LDO) Linear Regulator , Pushbutton On/Off Control With System Reset , Full Featured Li-Ion/Polymer Battery Charger , Programmable Charge Current With Thermal Limiting , Instant-On Operation With Discharged Battery .

This micropower USB manager is very easy to use in any USB application and require few external components.

LTC3553 USB power manager electronic circuit

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