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LTC1070 6-12 volt DC DC converter circuit diagram electronic project

Using LTC1070 circuit manufactured by Linear Technology can be designed a 6-12 volt DC DC converter, using fewer electronic components. This 6-12 volts converter may provide a maximum current of maxim2A.
Circuit works on the flyback principle, which end is equipped with electronic power switch, IC1 working at a frequency of 40 kHz. At each actuation of the switch, energy is stored in inductor L1 and capacitor C3 then transferred by D11.

L2-C4 filter is to suppress the output line generated after switching impulses.
Since the circuit can be used for motorcycles or other devices that use a battery assembly can be configured for two cases.
If the circuit is used with batteries with minus at the ground, A jumper must be mounted and between collector and emitter of T1 must be made a direct connection (T1 not used).
If are used batteries with positive terminal connected to the ground, must be mounted jumper B. In this case, the assembly input terminal polarity is indicated in parentheses.

Circuit Diagram: 
LTC1070 6-12 volt DC DC converter circuit diagram electronic project

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