LT3689 step-down switching regulator
Using LT3689 adjustable frequency (350kHz to 2.2MHz) monolithic step-down switching regulator with a power-on reset and watchdog timer can be designed a very simple dc power converter . The LT3689 regulator operates from inputs up to 36V and withstands transients up to 60V.
Using a resistor divider on the EN/UVLO pin provides a programmable undervoltage lockout. Current limit, frequency foldback and thermal shutdown provide fault protection.
LT3689 adjustable frequency step-down switching regulator offer high efficiency using few external components and offering many features like : Wide Input Range: Operation from 3.6V to 36V , Overvoltage Lockout Protects Circuits through 60V Transients , 85μA IQ at 12VIN to 3.3VOUT, Low Ripple Burst Mode® Operation Allows Output , Programmable Defeatable Watchdog Timer with
Window or Timeout Control , Programmable Power-On Reset Timer (POR) , 700mA Output Switching Regulator with Internal Power Switch , Adjustable Output Voltage ,800mV Feedback Voltage and other .
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