Various simple electronics projects circuits diagrams for hobbyist and beginners . Simple circuits, mini projects with diagrams and description from many electronics categories.
TL430 and TL431 integrated circuits manufactured by Texas Instruments, are active zener diode, with 2.5 V internal reference, and comparator output stage. Maximum supply voltage is 30V, 100 mA. This electronic device makes the practical realization of a voltage monitor for variable power supply.Resistance R1 has the value (Uin-4.5) / 10, where the factor of 10 indicates a current of 10 mA through the LED. Depending on the setting of P1, LED lights when the input voltage is too high and off when it gets too small.
A sinusoidal voltage controlled oscillator whose frequency is determined by a DC voltage between 0 and 15 volts can be designed using this electronic circuit diagram.