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ICL7106 electronic thermometer with LCD display

A very simple electronic thermometer with LCD display can be designed using the ICL7106 circuit .
The 7106 IC contain all the active circuitry for a 3 1/2 digit panel meter (DPM) in a single chip. It was designed to interface directly to a liquid crystal display (LCD).
The potential difference across a silicon diode is dependent on its temperature and current through it. Its temperature coefficient is negative, that is, the voltage falls with increasing temperature. This fall is approximately linear and is typically -2.2mV/oC.
The temperature meter measures the potential difference across the diode after an offset voltage which is available from pins 1 and 32 of the 7106 has been added. The two 100K 10-turn trimpots are used to calibrate the sensor
at two known temperatures. The calibration is easily done using water with ice in it to calibrate zero degrees Centigrade and putting the sensor in a jet of steam from a boiling water kettle to calibrate for 100 oC.
This IC is powered from a simple 9 volt DC power supply and can be used in many other applications. Applications are limited only by the availability of transducers and changing the circuit slightly to convert the external signals to a 0 to 199.9 mV DC signal.

Circuit Diagram: 
ICL7106 electronic thermometer with LCD display electronic project schematic


Could you please give me some more detail about the LCD to use aswel as, more importanly about the sensor. many thanks Cedric

The LCD Display is this type take a look in the datasheet The sensor is a simple BC547 transistor.

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