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Microcontroller based projects with circuit diagrams

Free microcontroller based projects with circuit diagram, description and software using avr micro, pic controller and some other controllers .
Free download source code for many electronics projects based on controllers.

PIC16c71 four channel digital voltmeter

This electronic circuit project is a simple four channel digital voltmeter with display and keyboard .

Circuit Diagram: 
pic16c71 four channel digital voltmeter electronic project

PIC16CXXX real time clock electronic project

A very simple real time clock electronic project can be designed using the PIC16CXXX microcontroller family , designed by Microchip Technology . This real time clock electronic project uses the Timer1 module, from a mid-range PIC16CXXX microcontroller, to control a low-power real-time clock. Timer1 was chosen because it has its own crystal which allows the module to operate during sleep.

Circuit Diagram: 
PIC16CXXX real time clock electronic project circuit diagram

Serial EEPROM programmer circuit

This Serial EEPROM programmer is very simple and require few external electronic parts .


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