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Led drivers circuit electronics projects

Led drivers circuit electronics projects based on IC. Led drivers projects like: constant current led driver, high power led driver, white led driver, led backlight driver and more .

LED flasher circuit diagram using transistor

Using this circuit diagram can be designed a very simple LED flasher that can be used for example to simulate the existence of car alarms mounted on a vehicle.

Circuit Diagram: 
LED flasher circuit diagram using transistor

Autoscaling vumeter circuit using LEDs

This autoscaling vumeter circuit is very simple VU meter that uses only 16 LEDs and may indicate 74 signal levels making it very useful peak detector.

Circuit Diagram: 
Autoscaling vumeter circuit using LEDs
Autoscaling vumeter part

LTC3600 LED driver with programmable dimming control circuit diagram

This LED driver with programmable dimming control electronic project circuit diagram is designed using the LTC3600 monolithic synchronous buck regulator whose output is programmed with just one external resistor.
This LED driver with programmable dimming control electronic project circuit diagram has a dimming current between 20 and 500mA.
In this circuit diagram are used three LUXEON LXML-PWN1-0100 neutral white 350mA LEDs.

Circuit Diagram: 
LTC3600 LED driver with programmable dimming control circuit diagram


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