ISL62875 single-phase synchronous buck PWM voltage regulator
Intersil introduces the ISL62875 single-phase synchronous buck PWM voltage regulator designed for portable application . The ISL62875 supports a wide range input voltage from 3.3V to 25V
The ISL62875 offer a output voltage range from 0.5V to 3.3 volts programmed using simple resistors .
The ISL62875 has a high system accuracy of ±0.75% at -10°C to +100°C .
The ISL62875 has a 500kHz fixed PWM frequency in continuous conduction .
Main features of the ISL62875 single-phase synchronous buck PWM voltage regulator are : Input Voltage Range: 3.3V to 25V , Output Voltage Range: 0.5V to 3.3V , Output Load up to 30A , Extremely Flexible Output Voltage Programmability , 2-Bit VID Selects Four Independent Setpoint
Voltages , Simple Resistor Programming of Setpoint Voltages , Accepts External Setpoint Reference such as DAC , ±0.75% System Accuracy: -10°C to +100°C , Fixed 500kHz in Continuous Conduction , Integrated High-current MOSFET Drivers and Schottky Boot-Strap Diode for Optimal Efficiency .
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