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TDA7262 audio power amplifier

This 2x20 watt audio amplifier circuit is designed with TDA7262 chip manufactured by ST Microelectronics.
This 2x20 watt audio amplifier circuit can be used for home audio application and can be powered from a wide input voltage between 8 and 32v (28v typical) and will provide a maximum power on an 4 ohms load.
TDA7262 is an ( class AB ) dual Hi-Fi Audio power amplifier assembled in Multiwatt 11 package, specially designed for high quality stereo application as Hi-Fi music centers and TV sets.

Thermal shut-down for protection of high temperature ( an overload on the output or an excessive ambient temperature ) .
Short circuit (AC Conditions) for the accidental shortcircuit across the speakers .
This audio amplifier IC is designed in multiwatt package and must be mounted on an external heatsink .
Between the heatsink and the audio amplifier IC package it is better to insert a layer of silicon grease, to optimize the thermal contact.
Between the audio amplifier IC and package no electrical isolation is needed .

tda72622x20 watt audio amplifier circuit
tda7262 power audio amplifier multiwatt 11 package

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