Door ring circuit with memory
This Door ring circuit with memory can be used as "memory ring" can be designed using this electronic circuit diagram. This is necessary especially in case of unexpected absences from home, described circuit will warn you with an LED if ring button was pressed or not. Using diode D1 and capacitor C1, the circuit is powered by transformer’s ring. It provides a DC voltage sufficient for memory ring circuit. Under normal conditions the transistor T1 and T2 drive is locked, constituting a form of lock T1.
When the button is pressed by D2 and R1, S1 button ring current generates a command to the base of T1, T2 and you block the light D3. Now lock transistor (T2) and T1 swings in the other state is maintained in conduction through S2 (normally closed), R5 and R6.
Pressing S2 entire circuit will be reset and the LED goes out, returning to its original state.
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