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AT73C240 stereo audio converter

Using Atmel AT73C240 stereo audio converter circuit IC with integrated power audio amplifier can be designed a simple audio amplifier for portable devices.
AT73C240 high-quality stereo audio converter circuit integrates 20-bit Stereo Audio DAC with 90dB dynamic range, together with 1W Power Amplifier .
The AT73C240 is ideally suited for portable applications where a high-quality audio interface is required, such as new-generation mobile phones, PDAs, palmtop computers, digital still cameras, portable multimedia devices and music players, etc.
The AT73C240 integrates a complete high-performance stereo audio digital-to-analog converter delivering a 90 dB dynamic range, followed by a 32-Ohm stereo headset driver with programmable volume control and mute function. The audio power amplifier is a dual-mode AB class amplifier with differential output and programmable volume control. In full power mode, it is capable of driving an 8-Ohm loudspeaker at maximum power of 1W at 5.5V supply and 440mW at 3.6V supply.

Circuit Diagram: 
AT73C240 audio digital-to-analog converter
AT73C240 stereo audio converter circuit

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