Free simple 555 timer circuits electronics projects with explanation and diagrams. Huge collection of electronics projects based on the 555 timer circuit or equivalent integrated circuits.
This 555 timer Lamp signalization circuit can substitute the signalization relay or other signalization circuits much expensive . The heart of this circuit is a 555 timer circuit that works on a fixed oscillation frequency . This auto lamps signalization electronic circuit can be powered from a 12 volts power supply ( you can use car battery but don’t connect circuit directly to the car battery ) . The circuit also offers visual indication for the driver ( the RED Led and GREEN LED must be mounted to offer a visual indication to driver ) for right side and for the left side .
This LED Flasher circuit diagram is based on the 555 timer IC .This 555 timer LED Flasher circuit is very simple and require few external components . When the circuit is working the red LEDs will flash at a set frequency one by one like at the railway crossing indicator .
The circuit must be powered by a powers supply which can be provide an output voltage between 6 and 12 volts .
This electronic mosquito repellent schematic circuit diagram based on the 555 timer IC is a simple and useful mosquito repellent circuit . This mosquito repeller circuit generate an ultrasonic sound with a high output frequency that allows spreading mosquitoes within a wide radius . The circuit is quite simple and require few external components .