555 timer circuit Remote control Jammer
This 555 timer circuit Remote control Jammer device it’s useful when we need to block someone to use the remote control (children that change frequently the channels at tv).
This 555 timer circuit Remote control Jammer it’s very simple and it use two infrared Leds which continuously transmit with a frequency between 32 and 41 Khz ( most of remote works at 36 and 38 Khz).
The automatic gain of the receivers reduces the gain of the receiver due the strong signal from that two IR leds and any signals from a remote control are too weak to be detected by receiver .
The device it’s based on an oscillator based on a Lm555 timer IC .
The settings for this remote jammer are simply : we need to modify the P1 potentiometer until the remote control don’t work . This device use a 9 volts Dc current .
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